male patient smiling

Why Do You Need a Sparkling Smile?

Have you ever met someone whose smile blew you away from the start? Sparkling, bright white teeth are the key to a remarkable smile that makes a great first impression. Yet if you don’t exactly have an appealing smile, you don’t have to settle for what nature gave you.

Studies done by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry have demonstrated that over 90% of Americans are looking for people with appealing smiles. For romance, career opportunities, and more, you need a smile that stands out from the crowd, and your dentist can help.

Potential Benefits of Professional Tooth Whitening

Make Yourself More Attractive

Numerous online dating platforms, including, have run polls that show a bright smile makes you more attractive to others. It’s even the number one feature people are looking for! There’s a reason that people with shining smiles tend to get more dates, and you can be one of them with just a few professional whitening sessions.

Get a Younger-Looking Appearance Overall

No need for a facelift or other plastic surgery when just a whiter smile goes a long way in making you look younger. Teeth become yellowed and stained as you age, so rolling back the clock on your smile means whitening first and foremost.

Show You’re Serious About Business

If you’re not looking for new relationships but you’re trying to build your career, a whitened smile is a good first step. You’ll portray a professional image and make it clear you care about your first impressions on new clients and customers. Research conducted by Kelton Research found that whitened teeth made 65% of hiring specialists think of a candidate as more professional than the competition. It also raised the likelihood of being hired by nearly 60%. Not bad for something that only takes an hour or two with your dentist in San Francisco!

Feel More Confident

Many people with stained or discolored teeth tend to become less outgoing due to their smiles. They might cover their mouth when they talk or keep themselves from laughing and smiling as much. This creates a less confident, less friendly appearance that can affect you in every part of your life. Getting your teeth whitened gives you the confidence to laugh, smile, and more without feeling the need to cover up.

Do You Really Need Professional Whitening?

You’ll find hundreds of products claiming to whiten your teeth in the dental health aisle of your local pharmacy. But instead, you should turn to your dentist for professional whitening services. Daily brushing alone, even with whitening toothpaste, will make little difference in the stains left behind by smoking, drinking coffee, or even eating certain foods. Only whitening handled by the dentist will lift stains for an even white smile without risking damage or sensitivity.

Professional treatment is calibrated to your smile’s level of yellowing or staining. The dentist also takes into consideration any sensitivity you have and any conditions that might react to the bleaching process. You’ll get good results, see more lightening from every visit, and spend less in the long run by sticking with professional whitening.

Worried about getting a smile that is too white and looks artificial? Your dentist can control precisely how light you go and will work with you to choose a natural shade. The dentist will also let you know when a stain is too deep or stubborn to respond to just bleaching alone. If you really want it gone, only a dentist can provide alternatives like veneers or bonding.

Don’t settle for uncomfortable mouth trays or bleaching solutions that irritate your gums. Your dentist provides personalized treatments designed for comfort without sacrificing the whitening you want to achieve. Your dentist will help you work towards your whitening goals without risking your oral health. That means you’ll also have access to professional-grade treatments that just can’t be found at the drugstore. As the process progresses, you’ll feel supported and have answers to any questions that pop up. Your dentist will advise you on how to avoid staining in the future, such as which drinks to swap out so that strains don’t reappear.

Contact our San Francisco team today to schedule your first consultation for teeth whitening. We can access your current coloration and advise you on how much whitening you can expect from each visit. Let us know what events or goals you have in mind so we can schedule your visits and give you you a sparkling new smile by the time the big day arrives. No need to live with yellowing or stained teeth just because it’s part of getting older when we can help with professional whitening services for patients of all ages.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening

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